Welcome to Storybookers
The way you express yourself is the key to success in everything you do. At Storybookers we help you to achieve success in the areas that matter to you the most. Our range of group workshops and one-to-one coaching sessions in creativity, singing, drama and storytelling are designed to empower you, boost your confidence and make you a more engaging communicator.
Schools come to us to for help in improving children's literacy and learning skills, writers have used our creative writing programmes to boost their creativity. We've also helped business people grow their business by using the power of their unique stories to improve relations with the communities they serve.
Something for your school and community...
Do you want to be ahead of the game when it comes to empowering young people?
Well, gather close, listen well and find out how performances and workshops by Norman Bailey has children literally running for books to take home after his magical performances in schools, libraries and community settings.
Help give your child the best start in life >>>
How do you inspire to become book lover and cultivate their appreciation of life long learning?
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Norman has created a simple and effective programme which makes free library-based performance storytelling sessions available to children.
How do you think of storytelling? If you only think of storytelling as reading a book to your little one then you might be missing a trick or two. Have you considered, films, TV dramas or even those water cooler moments, as you recount stories about your weekend adventures? We're surrounded by stories. They've shaped our societies and preserved our histories. Our myths and legends have helped us define who we are and what we aspire to be. Here at Storybookers we celebrate all aspects of storytelling. And we'd like to share them with you.
So what's your plan? Will what you do next make you happier and more fulfilled? Will it make you better at your job or get you your dream job? Will it make you more confident in in social situations? If not, why not?
Discover how the power of your unique story can work for you and and bring you the success you deserve.